What are you really good at?
Or even just ... not too bad at, and you want to love your neighbour, individuals and families in your community.
Or even just ... not too bad at, and you want to love your neighbour, individuals and families in your community. Some of us are able to put up shelves horizontally and in such a way that they don’t fall down. Some of us can bake and can explain the mystery of a spongey sponge to others. Some of us are nifty with a roller, a steamer or are able to distinguish between a weed and a flower! Some of us are just good at listening whilst brewing a cuppa to share with a recipient who needs some company. The truth is we all have skills – all of us. And sometimes those skills are the answer to someone’s prayers.
Besom’s primary focus is tailored toward enabling followers of Jesus to effectively serve those in need. Perhaps we could help you to put God’s love into action through a local Besom?
You can give your skills as an individual or as a group of friends. Maybe we can connect you with a family who would love their children to be able to play safely outdoors in what is currently an overgrown jungle. Or with a mum who’d love to treat their children to a nicely decorated bedroom but just can’t manage on her own.
There’s countless people who could use the skills you have to see their lives transformed.
How do I give?
The Besom helps givers who have specific skills put their talents to work for people who need them. For example, you may have skills in:
simple DIY
Electrical Testing
IT and/or digital
Social Media content creation
Office admin
Soft skills such as listening, befriending, letter writing
or if you have any other specialist skill that you would like to offer, please contact us and we will try and match you with a project or behind-the-scenes task that needs your help.
Other ways to Give
“As a carpenter I wanted to give my skills to people in need near where I lived. Besom helped me to do this and I was able to build and fit cupboards and shelves for several single mums in my local area.”