What do you love doing?

There are many ways you can give your time with the Besom to those in Elmbridge who need help.  You can do this either as an individual or as a group.

Whatever you love to do, why not join us at Besom and use those gifts to bless others;  to help and love your 'neighbour' in a practical way?

There are many ways to give time as an individual and we try not to be prescriptive. Rather we help you prayerfully explore what it means to be called by God to get involved with serving the poor through the Besom.

Many skills and roles can be added to our team to help us flourish and be the best we can be. You are welcome to hang out with us for a while to get to know us and how we tick before committing to a particular thing!

Here are some ideas to get you started:-

Give time as an individual

Meet the recipient and their social worker at home to assess their needs and how we can help them. It’s about getting to know the recipient and their needs and explaining how Besom will pray for matching items. Training is provided for people wanting to give in this way.

Undertake assessments

Go out on the van

Van runs take place a couple of times a week, usually on a Thursday morning, but with the occasional runs at other times and days as needed. If you are over 25 you can drive the van, or just help with loading and unloading. Even if you can’t do heavy lifting you can use soft skills such as listening and being relatable on these visits. Van runs are a great way to make a difference in the lives of the recipients whom we meet and to encounter the complex realities of the struggle with financial hardship, isolation, vulnerability, mental health illness and relational breakdown.

General help

Join in with the team’s weekly ‘office’ tasks or phone calls and coordination, help to create social media content, get involved with incidental shopping, or sorting, cleaning and preparing donations for delivery.

Give time as a group

Getting involved in a Besom project together with your family/friends or house group is a great way to make a difference in the lives of the recipients who have needs such as gardening, de-cluttering and cleaning or painting.

We can facilitate youth groups in appropriate activities too.

Typical projects include creating kitchen starter packs, gardening or painting a room in someone’s home.

Before the project we will visit your group to introduce Besom and its vision and mission, and learn about the type of project or people you would like to bless and pray with you. Once we have matched a suitable project in your area we can start the prep and planning and agree on a suitable date for you all.

After the project is completed we are happy to return to help you pray and reflect on your experiences together and what God has shown you about justice, poverty and compassion.

Other ways to Give





Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
— Isaiah 6:8