Behind the scenes with the Team
Annie Emmins (Lead, Besom in Esher and Strategic Lead/Trustee,The Besom Network) with Roger Habgood (Chair of The Besom Network) at a recent Strategic Planning Day.
Annie shares how the Besom vision has shaped her discipleship story and a passion to pass the Besom Vision to the next generation as she helps to lead the national Besom Network.
“Since becoming a Christian at university, discipling has been one of my passions and now I am part of ensuring the Besom’s Vision and Mission inspires future generations. As well as serving in Besom in Esher, I help lead the national Besom Network, and am committed to equipping others to carry the work forward. Our hope is for many new Besom ministries to start up across the UK, in particular pioneered by young adult believers.”
A Journey of Unexpected Calling
“When I first joined The Besom in Battersea over 20 years ago, I was a new mum looking for a small way to help others whilst on maternity leave. I never expected it to deepen my faith, shape my calling, or lead me to pioneer a Besom ministry in my own neighbourhood 12 years later! What started as assembling Kitchen Starter Packs in a warehouse with my baby in tow became a journey of discipleship and a journey towards loving the poor and needy.”
Inspiring the Next Generation
“Now, as well as leading Esher Besom, I support Besom to flourish and plant across the UK as part of The Besom Network’s leadership team. My key role is to ensure our Vision and Mission continues to thrive now the founder retired and draw out its discipleship potential. We know the most effective way to do this is by sharing the incredible stories of God at work. Every week, new testimonies emerge—stories of faith, miraculous provision, and transformation that inspire Christians of all ages and denominations to step out in generosity and service in the name of Jesus.”
Growing the Besom Network
We believe every community would benefit from the proximity of a local Besom as churches engage and come together to support one. As more Christians are equipped to practise radical generosity and share God’s love to those most in need, those beyond our church walls will experience the God who loves and cares for them.
We know churches are looking for effective discipleship models and opportunities, so I particularly enjoy speaking to church leaders, other like-minded organisations and ministries about the faithful way God has used Besom vision for many years. It’s a privilege to connect them with local Besom teams across the UK and also engage with national Christian movements like Jubilee Plus, New Wine and the fantastic Universities and Alumni-based movement, Just Love who encourage a life-long pursuit of biblical justice and practice.
A Life Transformed Through Giving
Serving with Besom has developed my faith, particularly my understanding of God’s heart for the poor and why growing in compassion for those in need helps me grow more like Jesus. There has been joy, challenge, laughter, lament, doubt, and fantastic fellowship beyond my own church family and also difficult lessons to learn about myself. God has revealed His character and power in so many ways. I have seen with my own eyes that practising generosity with all our resources opens doors to share His love and bring light into darkness with those who never set foot inside a church. I’ve seen the same impact on countless others—Christians who step out in prayer and giving, journeying as disciples together— to advance God’s Kingdom as we connect them to those struggling in poverty.
Pray for the Future
Right now, we’re supporting young adults who are enquiring about starting a Besom ministry in Southampton, Bideford, Cardiff, and Manchester and are also looking to plant in Epsom (out of Ashtead Besom). Please pray God brings others to them with the same heart, so they can explore their call to Besom and step forwards together.
Perhaps God could use you too?
If you could share with Christian friends and leaders you know in the above towns and cities where there is interest, or you would like to find out how to support The Besom Network’s vision with your skills and experience, please do get in touch with Annie.