It’s a wrap!

Over 40 luxury Christmas Hampers delivered.

Over 40 luxury Christmas Hampers were given through the Besom to the individuals and families we supported in 2023.


 It's a wonderful way to be the 'hands and feet' of Jesus and share God's love with our recipients. 

The hamper season exceeded our expectations in every way.   All the hampers were delivered within a  rapid two-week timeframe because Chris was heading off to stay with family in Melbourne in mid-December.  Chris's coordination of this 'giving bonanza' as well as his careful planning for safe, joy-filled deliveries was a tremendous feat, and remarkably many folks answered their doors the first time so deliverers did not need to return at a later date!

We enjoyed helping many of you be 'the feet' to deliver hampers around Elmbridge.  Chatting on doorsteps with these beautiful and unsolicited gifts is a great way for them to reconnect with the Besom, receive hope, and for your group to feel connected to the family they chose to show God's love to.  We heard of many profound and moving moments in those encounters.  Some of these stories will be shared over the coming weeks on our social media pages, so keep a look out for them!   We pray those we have met continue to draw closer to our loving Heavenly Father and receive Jesus for themselves.


Our first premises – perfectly matched provision


How ‘Coffee’ can open a door for a chat!