Our first premises – perfectly matched provision
‘He faced the facts….yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised’.
(Romans 4 v 18-22)
‘I am God, at the right time I’ll make it happen’
(Isaiah 60 v22)
Just some of the promises we received in prayer over the years as we asked the Lord to provide us with a place we can call home!
We’re delighted to announce we finally have a place to call our home which includes all the specifics we prayed for over 12 years:
Central location facilitating every church in the borough to get involved in giving
Secure premises with a peppercorn rent
Room to gather for fellowship, worship, prayer and working together
Event space to share the Besom vision and opportunities to give
Storage with wide and easy ground-floor access for moving furniture in and out
Outdoor space and free car parking
We are blown away by God matching every single detail we asked Him for on our ‘prayer list’. Not one thing was missing – even down to the primary focus of being somewhere for our team to gather with time and skills-givers for fellowship, with space for both ‘admin’ and worship as He has lovingly provided us two buildings – a Chapel and a Store.
All these elements provide the freedom to flourish and grow and make it easier for all to give as God calls. But God also showed us that this home will be where the vision is caught, new Besoms are birthed and the baton passed to the next generation. Praise God!